IncoreSoft Privacy Policy
IncoreSoft safeguards the privacy of its users. We protect your data, and this Policy is designed to acquaint you with the rules for the use of this data when you visit the website or become a member of our community.
If you do not find the answer to your question in this Policy, write to us.
Our address:
IncoreSoft Ukraine LLC
Mykoly Amosova side street, 28A
21000 Vinnytsia
Our email:
The same applies to cases where you need to make corrections, delete personal information, get information about the data collected.
When You Visit Our Website
IncoreSoft Ukraine LLC is fully responsible for the storage and processing of personal data on the site on behalf of the company and local offices. We work with partners who are involved in the purchase and sale of our products, offer services related to us, and hold events. You can find information about our affiliate network at
IncoreSoft uses the information received from users to improve the quality of products and services, as well as to fill our website and increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. We share information with our providers and partners, strictly complying with the legislation in this area and within the framework of this Policy.
Personal Data
IncoreSoft does not collect user's personal information (names, addresses, email, phone numbers) through its website or product websites if it is not provided voluntarily.
IP Address
We use cookies to analyze website traffic statistics. They store information about user actions on the site, time spent on the resource pages, completed order forms. We use the information obtained only to improve the site so that it can provide users with information relevant to their needs. You can find a detailed description of the cookie policy at
We do not identify users only by their IP-addresses, but we have the right to combine other data (username, email, phone number, etc.) provided voluntarily with an IP-address. This is necessary so that visiting the site becomes the most comfortable for you.
Participation in Our Events
By participating in IncoreSoft events, you agree that IncoreSoft may take photos and videos during such events in public places. This means that your image and voice can be recorded on audio and video. If you identify yourself, for example, give your name, this data may be included in our materials.
We have the right to use these images and videos during presentations, public advertising materials, social networks, publications, and educational products. Photos and recordings can be edited, replicated, copied, published and distributed in various ways. Consent to photographs, audio, and video recordings is confirmed upon registration on our website.
For those who have been interviewed, spoke at events or otherwise actively contributed to them, we ask that you consent to the use of personal data.
If for any reason you do not want your personal data to be used, you have the right to withdraw the consent given earlier. The rights granted by data-protection laws can be found in the "Your Rights" section of this Policy.
Collection and Use of Personal Data
When creating an IncoreSoft account, using our services and products, we register the information entered in the contact form: username, home address, phone number, email address, and contact settings. Your personal data can also be collected in the process of answering your questions, fulfilling your requests. If you register as an event participant, we may also ask you to indicate your eating habits.
How We Use Your Data
IncoreSoft uses personal information of users to contact them by phone, mail, e-mail, to respond to requests. We also use them to improve the functionality of the site, increase the effectiveness of advertising, improve the content on the site based on the results of data analysis, statistics, and surveys.
If we want to use your data for other purposes, such as marketing activities, we will ask for your consent. For more information, see the "Consent" section.
If you want to receive information on IncoreSoft products, we will use your data to communicate and market similar products.
How Do We Share Information
If necessary, we provide relevant personal data of users to our partners who work with us to provide services and products, as well as marketing campaigns.
If you request IncoreSoft products, our employee can redirect your request to our partners or distributors who will contact you using the personal data you provided. Information about our partners is available at
If you decide to take part in contests, promotions and other promotional events organized by our partners, your data will be used to administer these programs. We can also provide our partners with generalized, but not individual information about users of our site.
Some functions of IncoreSoft have been outsourced, therefore we transfer personal data of users to service providers for a specific purpose. This can be information processing, expanding customer bases, customer service, assessing the interests of users in our products and website, as well as conducting surveys and studies to assess customer satisfaction. In this case, service providers also follow the law on the protection of personal data. For more details, see the section "Guarantees for the transfer of personal data".
Consent to the Newsletter
IncoreSoft may ask for your consent to receive free newsletters, promotional events, contests, online surveys by e-mail. The consent form is completed on the IncoreSoft website. We use e-mail and other data provided by the user voluntarily by this Policy. You can unsubscribe by contacting us.
We retain personal information for the period necessary to send out information about marketing events for six months from the moment you cease to be a potential consumer of the company's services and products.
How Personal Data Is Protected
IncoreSoft uses all administrative, technical, as well as physical measures to protect user personal data. They are designed to protect information from the risks of loss, theft, disclosure, alteration, complete loss and misuse. On pages collecting personal data, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption is used. To purchase our products, we recommend using a browser that supports SSL. This will protect the privacy of your personal and billing information when transmitting over the Internet.
Terms and Conditions
IncoreSoft uses personal user data to send messages about changes, additions to the Terms and Conditions and Company Policies. According to the terms of cooperation, the user does not have the right to refuse to receive these notifications as long as he has a valid contract for the company's products and services, or a contract concluded for other purposes.
Data Required for Other Legal Purposes
According to the law, IncoreSoft is obliged to disclose and transfer personal data of clients to public authorities at their official request, as well as upon a court order containing the requirement to disclose personal information. Data may also be disclosed if it is required to comply with the conditions and protect the operations performed by other users.
In the process of reorganization, change of ownership or merger of IncoreSoft, we have the right to transfer all collected user data to the appropriate third party.
IncoreSoft Partner Sites and Services
Some applications, services, and the IncoreSoft website contain links to the services, applications, and websites of our partners. The information that our partners collect is used according to their privacy policy. IncoreSoft is not responsible for how other companies collect, store and use personal information. When visiting third-party resources, read the privacy policy and familiarize yourself with the terms of use.
Data Transfer Guarantees
The data collected by IncoreSoft, including personal data, may be used by local offices and our partners for the purposes specified in this Policy.
IncoreSoft follows the European Commission Regulation 2016/679, the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data. The process of transferring information to countries that are not members of the EU and the EEA (European Economic Area), where partners, IncoreSoft service providers, and company offices are located, is carried out in full accordance with the rules of the European Union.
You can find information on European Commission regulations at
Your Access to Your Data
You can learn about the information that IncoreSoft stores about you, as well as make changes to it, by writing to
Your Rights
Our users are entitled to receive information about their data stored and processed by IncoreSoft. At any time, you can request the termination of the processing of your data, for this you should write to us at
Data Protection and Privacy Policy
Video streams from surveillance cameras that allow automatic recognition of people are considered personal data, the processing of which is regulated by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We strictly follow the GDPR regarding the processing, transfer, storage, and disposal of personal data.
Our customers monitor, and IncoreSoft Company processes the video data generated in our systems. Each client must independently provide legal support for his actions and is independently responsible before the Law for the use of systems, the use of video surveillance cameras to each specific case.
The GDPR rules require customers to individually evaluate each video camera or several video cameras, determine the degree of negative impact of the video surveillance process on the protection of personal data and the safety of privacy with the positive effect of reducing crime and preventing material damage from possible vandal actions in the video surveillance zone.
Performing the function of a data processor IncoreSoft Company processes the video sequence in accordance with the requirements of each client, which is specified in written contracts with customers. We are legally responsible solely for ensuring the security and integrity of video data processing, we do everything possible to guarantee the maximum confidentiality of information in relation to third parties, and its cyber protection.
IncoreSoft Company as a data processor does not have open access to the customer data warehouse and therefore does not have the ability to back up the data.
Privacy Policy
Personal user data is stored for the period necessary to achieve the goals specified in this Policy, but not longer than permitted by law.
Privacy Policy Update
We periodically update the Privacy Policy, therefore, we recommend that users of our site regularly study is to inform about new methods used by the company to protect personal data. Any significant changes to the Policy are accompanied by the publication of a notice on our website.
IncoreSoft Ukraine LLC